11 Jan ADT’s Health Monitoring Service Integrated with Pulse Means Senior’s Security in More Ways than One
ADT’s Health Monitoring Service Integrated with Pulse Means Senior’s Security in More Ways than One
It is said that life changes every minute. That’s an apt description of the senior population. These are tech-savvy folks who have exercise and other health and wellness apps on their smart phones and tablets. They work online for extra income. They take the time to head off to the gym for a workout or to the neighborhood senior center for a game of pool with their friends and acquaintances. These people don’t sit around waiting for age to happen to them; they take age by the horns and shake it. It simply makes sense that today’s seniors will embrace ADT’s monitoring service as well as its Pulse technology for better control of their surroundings.
What All the Fuss is About
ADT partners with some major names in health monitoring. Ideal Life, who distributes wearable technology manufactured by Philips, partners with ADT to give seniors access to push-button monitors worn as wristbands or pendants. The wearable technology is waterproof and is good up to almost 400 feet from the home. When away from the home, seniors have the option of their smart phones’ ability to alert the monitoring service of trouble.
What kind of trouble? Falls are the most common and deadly of all things to plague seniors. Too many seniors fail to tell their doctors of falling episodes, because they are afraid it would mean the end of their independence. Yet falls constitute the majority of seniors’ hospital stays. Some falls are fatal. Wearable technology alerts the proper authorities to the fall and sends help simultaneously. Not only falls, but obesity, low sugar episodes in diabetic seniors, blood pressure and oxygen saturation in the blood are monitored. Should these things cause trouble, the monitoring station sends help immediately.
The Internet of Things
Most seniors are aware that their thermostat, coffee pot, microwave and a dozen other household systems and appliances are programmable. The security system often monitors not only intruders and fire but carbon monoxide presence as well. All of these things communicate with something, so they are called the Internet of Things. ADT has that covered with its Pulse featuring control-it-all-from-your-smart-phone capability. ADT Pulse can even lock the door if seniors with arthritic fingers can’t manage the keys as well as arm the system and control the seniors’ Internet of Things simultaneously. Seniors heading for the gym almost don’t have to lift a finger. ADT does it for them.
So what does this mean for ADT’s health monitoring service? It means that seniors don’t have to keep up with half a dozen separate systems. It means that ADT and its partners’ technology keeps watch over both the seniors’ health as well as their homes. The health monitoring service has been seamlessly meshed into ADT Pulse for a complete picture of seniors’ control over their environment and health.
As an example of the technologies with which ADT has partnered, IFTTT, which stands for If This Then That, offers seniors another method of control. Let’s say a senior is off to brunch with friends and then a stint at the gym. The senior’s phone alerts him or her that a major storm is going to hit soon (ADT Weather Alerts). The senior calmly goes to IFTTT to tap a button, with the result that the windows at home close, the temperature is reduced and the window treatments close automatically. If the senior fell in the storm, the health services station would alert medical professionals to help. This is just one more way ADT helps their clientele with apps that simplify lives. Check with us, your Authorized ADT dealer for a release date; the innovation was scheduled to be released this year.
Zion Security is all about what works the best for its clientele. Seniors living in the California, Utah and Idaho area with an Internet of Things plus health services monitoring to be handled should contact us for more information.
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