Zions Security Alarms Invoice Submit Page

Thank You!

Thank you for your work. This page is designed to make it easy for you to submit an invoice to get paid after a job is completed.


Please contact our office if you are unsure about how much you should be paid for a job or just type that in the notes on the while you are filling this out.


Also please let us know if you have any ideas to help improve and please add those in an email or on this form.

Getting Paid

All ADT installation require a confirmation number in order to get paid. You should enter this confirmation number when you close the ticket in Security Trax.

All other installations and service calls require confirmation that signals were sent and received.

If you have paperwork or checks that need to be turned in please do so immediately as they could slow down the timing of cutting you a check.

If you have equipment left over from a job and you do not return it right away it may be deducted from your pay.