The DSC Wireless Keypad Replacement Door is the door and backplate that goes to the DSC Wireless Keypad.
It is not the same replacement door as the Impassa Keypad or the hardwired DSC Keypads.
It comes with a backplate, but you can easily remove it.
If your DSC Wireless Keypad door will not stay closed anymore because the clip has worn out or broken off, then you can get this replacement door and easily replace it.
Please note that if you have a hardwired DSC Keypad and want to replace your door, you would want to look at the DSC Keypad Replacement Door. And if you have a DSC Impassa Keypad and need to replace that door, you will want to go here instead.
You can watch this video for instructions on how to replace the door on your keypad.
To remove the old door, open it to a 90-degree angle and grasp the door in both hands. Then place your thumbs in the middle of the door, bend the door by pushing downwards and then releasing one side of the door then the other. To install a new door, perform the same stems in reverse order keeping the door at a 90-degree angle.
Please check out our YouTube Channel for more information.
Ryndell Manuel (store manager) –
This DSC Wireless Keypad Replacement Door is a worthwhile addition to my security setup, It really offers enhanced protection and a stylish touch to my existing DSC wireless keypad.