PoE Camera Comparison between 2MP Mini Bullet and 4MP Varifocal Bullet PoE Camera Comparison between 2MP Mini Bullet and 4MP Varifocal Bullet PoE Camera Comparison between 2MP Mini Bullet and 4MP Varifocal Bullet PoE Cameras installed side by side

If you are trying to decide which PoE Camera you should get, here is a comparison between the new 4MP Varifocal Camera and the 2MP Fixed Bullet.

The 2MP Fixed Bullet is great if you are not needing to zoom in or have a higher resolution. It Is weatherproof with an IP67 rating and has a fixed 4mm lens.

The 4MP Varifocal Bullet can zoom from a wider 3.2mm to a more narrow 9.8mm. (116 degrees to 34 degrees field of view). It also has an IP66 rating for outdoors and is weatherproof. In addition, it is compatible with perimeter guard and can make an audible noise. Though it can stream 1080P just like the 2MP Mini Bullet it can record 4MP on the SVR.

You can adjust the field of view from the web browser with the 4MP Varifocal Camera, but it just zooms in directly on the center of the view.

They both come with smart analytics and the ability to do onboard recording with a microSD Card. The 4MP is slightly large and does require a little more power than the 2MP Mini Bullet.

Lastly, the 4MP Camera is NDAA compliant whereas the 2MP Bullet is not. Poe Camera Comparison

Here is a live view comparison between both cameras looking at the same. (both 1080P)

Poe Camera Comparison live views

Here is also an example of the Varifocal zoomed-in all the way

4mp poe camera zoomed in view


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