25 Jul Keeping The Family Safe This Summer In LA
Keeping The Family Safe This Summer In LA
Over the years of providing our security system services to the people of Los Angeles we have had a great opportunity to bring peace of mind and safety to those we do business with. But with the summer months upon us and increased crime rates in Los Angeles it’s easy to still feel on edge. But that’s why we have created a list of safety precautions to take this summer to keep you and your family safe.
For more info on an ADT Security System, click here.
Close The Windows
When you are at home only leave the windows open if you are there to supervise and monitor them. If you go upstairs to fold some clothes make sure the downstairs windows are closed. An open and unattended window in your home is a welcome mat to burglars.
Use Timers
When you aren’t home use timers to turn the lights and TV on and off. This will make a possible burglar believe that someone is home. And consequently they will be deterred from entering your home with bad intentions.
Install An Alarm System
This isn’t a shameless plug for the alarm systems that we offer to the people of Los Angeles. The officers of LAPD suggest that an alarm system is helpful because they send real time alerts to the police.
The following tips are less focused on home security and more concerned with lifestyle habits to keep an eye out this summer.
Take Caution While Mowing the Lawn
Countless children tend to get serious injuries in lawn mowing accidents each year. Most injuries are life threatening. To prevent this devastating accident keep children under 6 years of age inside while mowing. Teach children how dangerous a lawn mower can be even when it’s not in use.
Water Safety
Safe Kids Worldwide organization found that drowning is the leading cause of death for children between the ages of 1-4 years old. Parents can keep their children safe during swimming activities by giving them your undivided attention. Also, make sure that your child has a life jacket and it fits them appropriately.
We hope that these tips can help you to have a safe and happy summer!
We look forward to working with you!
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