Crime Statistics Over Time For Los Angeles

Crime Statistics Over Time For Los Angeles

Crime Statistics Over Time For Los Angeles

From Gangs To Drug Abuse

The New York City of the west coast, that’s what westerners are calling Los Angeles. But with thousands of people in a big city comes high crime rates and dangerous living conditions. Crime isn’t a new concept in Los Angeles. For years the Angelenos have been concerned with the increasing crime statistics. By this situation of increase in crime statistics over time for Los Angeles, Many residents have purchased a home security system for their home to decrease their chances of becoming a victim of the frequent crime.

Here is a timeline of the biggest crime events that have happened in the city.

Watts Riots, 1965

These riots take us back to 1965 when a California Highway Patrol officer pulled Marquette Frye over for drunk driving. When the police officer questioned Frye a mob started to form around the two, and began to throw rocks and other objects at the police officer.

This event started a series of riots in which 34 people were reported dead, 1,032 injured and 4,000 arrested. Over the course of events six hundred buildings were damaged or destroyed causing an estimated $35 million in property damage.

Substance Abuse Epidemic (1984-1990)

During 1984 crack cocaine began to be used by a majority of people in the city. By 1985 the drug was easily accessible almost anywhere in the city. This caused an increase in domestic and civil abuse among residents.

Routine police raids were held in high risk areas of the city and countless people were arrested for possession and use of cocaine.

Rodney King Riots (1992)

These riots were sparked on April 29, 1992 when a jury acquitted four police officers that were caught on tape beating a black man named Rodney King. To retaliate, a considerable portion of the black population in Los Angeles retaliated by attacking (and in some cases killing) any white person or police officer. The riot became too much for the Los Angeles Police Department to handle, so they called in the National Guard and the U.S. Marine Corps. The riots ended with 53 people killed and countless were seriously injured.

Crips and Bloods Feud (1960- Present Day)

After the FBI cracked down on black political organizations, social pressures forced black residents into different groups. This was how the two gang groups, the Crips and the Bloods, were formed. The feud between the two gangs started in the 60’s and continues into the present day. Researchers speculate that  the “kill or be killed” culture of the gangs is what has fueled the feud for over 50 years.

Despite the city’s history with crime, in the present day crime rates have been lower than ever. But just because crime rates aren’t as high now in the year 2014 as they have been in the city’s history books, doesn’t mean you can let your guard down. That’s why it’s highly beneficial for residents in Los Angeles to invest in a home security system.

For more information about how you can get your own ADT security system in Los Angeles, feel free to give us a call!

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