29 Apr ADT Saves Family From Carbon Monoxide Leak Caused by Faulty Oven
ADT Saves Family From Carbon Monoxide Leak Caused by Faulty Oven
Carbon monoxide is called a ‘silent killer’ for very good reason, as Faith Markley of Hemet, California has good reason to know. She was baking cupcakes and cookies on December 1st, 2015 when she received an unexpected call from ADT Dispatcher Kate Ballard.
Ms. Ballard said: “We are getting a carbon monoxide alarm. I have notified the fire department.” She went on to recommend that the family, and their pets, wait outside. When the firefighters responded, they discovered that her natural gas oven had a faulty regulator that was responsible for the leak.
Unfortunately, moments after the firefighters left, Mrs. Markley became “violently ill.” It turns out that she had breathed in enough of the deadly gas to experience firsthand its often deadly effects.
She described her headache and blurry vision as someone “trying to pry my head apart from the inside” and “like I was watching a 3D movie without 3D glasses.” She also suffered from vomiting, diarrhea, a numb mouth, and sleepiness. Doctors at the hospital verified that she was suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning and admitted her.
Mrs. Markley believes her symptoms were so bad because she had been in the kitchen longer than other members of her family. Her’s were typical of the ‘flu-like’ symptoms often associated with carbon monoxide poisoning.
Carbon monoxide is so deadly because, as Ms. Ballard said in her lifesaving phone call, “you can’t see it, you can’t smell it, and it can kill you.” The gas truly is colorless, odorless, and tasteless; a deadly, silent invader that kills hundreds of the unwary each year.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at least 400 Americans perish every year from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning. The gas is also responsible for 20,000 trips to hospital emergency rooms, where more than 4,000 of its victims are admitted for further treatment.
Fewer than one in three American homes have a functioning carbon monoxide detector. Mrs. Markley is fortunate that she had someone to warn her of the insidious invader in her home. Many other victims don’t fare as well. Only 37 states require installation of the potentially lifesaving detectors in private homes.
In order to raise awareness of this deadly threat, ADT arranges for families to meet the dispatchers and rescue workers who saved their lives. The Markley family met their ‘savior’ Ms. Ballard, at the Fontana, California home of the Sandovals. Dana and Ken Sandoval were another ADT family threatened by carbon monoxide; they were saved by dispatcher Laniesha Reeves.
As shown in this video, Mrs. Markley had a tearful meeting with the woman she calls “her hero”. ADT flew Ms. Ballard all the way from Rochester, New York for the meeting and Ms. Reeves from Jacksonville, Florida. They also flew the Markleys to the meeting so they could meet Ms. Ballard in person.
The meeting was attended by friends, family, other ADT employees, and members of the San Bernardino County Fire Department who responded to the alarm at the Sandoval’s house. In that incident, Mrs. Sandoval’s mother, Nora Rogers, was home alone and feeling drowsy when Ms. Reeves called and roused her enough so that she and the family’s dog could get to safety. The firefighters discovered that the pilot light in the family’s water heater had gone out.
After her close call, Ms. Rogers said: “I always thought a security alarm was to keep burglars out of the home. I never (considered) carbon monoxide.” Actually, burglaries and carbon monoxide poisoning are just two of the home hazards ADT can help prevent. Smoke, fire, and leaks are other potential problems of which the service can warn.
You can also keep a safety eye on your children, an elderly parent, or anyone else in your home when you aren’t. You can even keep an eye on your pets to see what they’re up to when you aren’t there to supervise them in person. Adjust the heating or cooling, turn lights or small appliances on or off; ADT lets you run your home by remote control!
Contact us for more information about how ADT can help you protect your family.
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