False Alarm Reduction Tips

no false alarms

False Alarm Reduction Tips

False Alarm Reduction Tips

reducing false alarms

Setting off a false alarm with your home security system can be terribly embarrassing, not to mention costly. If your security system sets off a false alarm in Los Angeles, the police department will charge you a fee for the officer’s wasted time and resources. But there are tips and tricks that you can implement in your home to reduce or eliminate the number of false alarms from your home security system. Here’s what you can do.

Instruct All Residents 

Everyone who lives in a home with an alarm system should know how to work the system. To keep everyone up to date on how to work the system it’s not a bad idea to have the head of the household give a monthly training. Another good idea is to put written instructions and a password hint up by the main control panel in the home. If everyone in the home knows how to work the system, your chances of setting off a false alarm decreases significantly.

Everyone who lives in a home with an alarm system should know how to work the system. To keep everyone up to date on how to work the system it’s not a bad idea to have the head of the household give a monthly training. Another good idea is to put written instructions and a password hint up by the main control panel in the home. If everyone in the home knows how to work the system, your chances of setting off a false alarm decreases significantly.

Consistent Passwords 

It’s hard enough for people to remember one password, let alone three or four. So make all the passwords for your security system the same. If you have a consistent password, your family members have a better chance of disarming a false alarm.

Close Up Shop 

One of the biggest causes of false alarms is failure to close all alarmed doors and windows before arming the home. Don’t turn your alarm on with any windows and doors open. This will immediately set off your alarm and send police officers knocking on your door. It’s a good idea to double check all alarmed openings every night as if you didn’t have an alarm system at all.

 Create Pet Free Zones 

Another big cause of false alarms are wondering pets in the home. Make sure you are aware of which rooms in the home have motion censored alarms. Keep your pets away from these parts of the home when the alarm is on. There’s nothing more embarrassing than the police showing up at your door to arrest your house pet.

We hope that these tips help you to reduce the false alarms with your security system to avoid fees in Los Angeles and any other cities that might charge!


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