22 Dec How Do I Add Another Keypad to My ADT Security System
Adding an additional keypad to your ADT Security System is a convenient way to manage the security of your home or business.
For many people with security systems installed, adding another keypad in a different location allows the user to have an additional access point to be able to arm the system, disarm, and manage the settings without having to run downstairs or upstairs to the single keypad. It also allows you to hear a chime or voice descriptions.
For others, your keypad might be getting old and you just need to replace it with a new one.
Whether you’re wanting to add a wireless keypad to your system or a hardwired one, let’s run through the basic steps so that you can get your additional keypad connected to your system and up and running in no time!
First you will need to determine what kind of ADT Security System you have. If you need help with this, read this post.
This article covers how to add a keypad to the Safewatch Pro 3000, Quickconnect Plus, Honeywell, Premise Pro, Impassa, or DSC Powerseries panels.
How to Add an Additional Keypad to my ADT Security System
When adding a wireless keypad to a Safewatch Pro 3000, Quickconnect Plus, or Honeywell system, there are a couple steps you’ll need to follow.
First, you will decide which keypad you will want to add/replace. There is a basic and a talking version. Then make sure it will be compatible since some Safewatch pro systems will be compatible and some won’t without adding a transceiver.
- You’ll want to do is make sure the new wireless keypad you’re adding has batteries. And if you want it to work best make sure you get the AC Adapter for it.
- At this point, you’ll need to program the house ID of your new keypad with your existing ADT Security system. You might need to have us help you do this over the phone.
It’s that easy!
If you’re looking to add a hardwired keypad to your Safewatch Pro 3000, Quickconnect Plus, or Honeywell system, here’s what you’ll need to do:
First, you will decide which keypad you will want to add/replace. There is a basic, custom, and touchscreen.
- Power down the system completely. (This means remove the AC power and the back-up battery power.)
- Next you’ll want to wire your new keypad into your alarm panel. (Or remove your old keypad and attache the four wires in the same location on the new keypad.)
- Power up your system again.
- Now you might need to address the keypad (16-23) and activate that keypad address in the alarm panel programming. You might need to have us help you with this step.
Your new ADT keypad should be added!
How to Add a Keypad to Your ADT Premise Pro or ADT Impassa DSC System
To add a wireless keypad to your ADT DSC system, here are the steps you’ll want to follow:
First choose either the basic ADT DSC Keypad or wireless Touchscreen ADT DSC Keypad.
If you need to replace or add a hardwired keypad to your DSC Premise Pro or Powerseries system you will want to first choose one of the models. There is a basic, custom, and touchscreen keypad. Then you can swap it if you want to replace one or if you want to add a new one you will need to run a new wire.
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If you’re looking to add an additional keypad to your ADT Honeywell or ADT DSC system, click here to check out our low prices on keypads.
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